our Ada Rose is here!

 Our Ada Rose is here and a month old! God has been so good to us and we are soaking up her snuggles and being amazed at each face and noise she makes.


Around midnight on October 30th I began feeling contractions. I had been feeling cramps and abdominal pains for the past few weeks and kept wondering if they were contractions, Braxton Hicks, or something else but when these began I knew they were contractions. The pain was sharp and different than anything I had experienced. 

They were coming very infrequently and there was a lot of time between each so I slept off and on as I could and wondered what would happen. I went to work and continued to feel the contractions but was able to talk through them and still they seemed far apart. Around 2 in the afternoon I was in a meeting and the contractions were coming closer together. Enough where I thought I better time then. I timed them and the contractions were consistently six minutes apart for my hour meeting. I decided to call my midwife and she brought me in to see how far I was dialted and check on the baby. I was dialted four centimeters and my contractions were about five minutes apart. She told me I could labor at home for a bit or go straight to the hospital so I decided to go home, take a shower, eat dinner, and then we left for the hospital!

My labor slowed. I progressed only one more centimeter. The contractions picked up and around 3 in the morning (my mom had to confirm this because I have no sense of time in my memory) I got an epidural. I was able to sleep which was a relief and then around 1:40 I started feeling intense pressure. I knew I needed to push. Soon my nurse came in and then the midwife and a couple minutes before 3:00 Ada was born! 

Seeing her for the first time is one of my most precious memories. Right next to seeing Anderson's face when he first saw her. 


This past month has been full of delighting in our little girl and watching those we love delight in her.

There were a few things I asked for in the Ada Rose's birth. None were necessary, but still I requested them. First, that she would be born in October. Secondly, that she would have hair. Thirdly, that I would go into labor on my own without having to be induced. And finally, for a specific midwife to be there when I gave birth (there were eight midwives through my OB and they are the ones on call for births). The Lord answered each of my requests and I am so grateful for the way he cared for me in this.

We are learning what this new life looks like and what our little family's rhythms will now be. Our capacity is a lot less but our hearts are full. May God grant you and I the grace we need for the season we find ourselves in.


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